Resonance Step + Stride Podiatry is the only Podiatry clinic in Auckland who has achieved the Allied Health Services Sector Standard Certification.

Checking in
How are your feet? Your ankles? Consider how much pressure and weight they both carry. Your feet and ankles are incredibly complex mechanical structures. There are 26 bones, 33 muscles and 100 tendons, muscles and ligaments. Amazing [...]
Childhood warts: How to treat and prevent them
Warts are one of the most common and troublesome skin conditions in childhood. A common infection caused by a virus, warts can turn up anywhere on the body, but for most children warts are most commonly found [...]
International Podiatry Day
Today is International Podiatry Day. At Resonance we offer comprehensive assessment and treatment in all aspects of podiatry, for all ages; to relieve pain and discomfort, rehabilitate from injury and improve day to day [...]
At Alert Level 3, virtual appointments will continue to be provided where possible. Face-to-face appointments may be provided for urgent care only. Urgent care is defined as: a condition which is life or limb threatening; or [...]
Causes of Toenail Pain
Besides serving as useful tools that protect our fingers and toes, our nails can also offer insight into our body’s overall status. They’re made of a substance called keratin, which grows from a cuticle [...]
Back-to-School Shoe Shopping Tips for Healthy Feet
Kids. Constantly growing, it can be difficult to keep them in good shoes. It's even harder when they are complaining that the shoes are 'too scratchy' or that they 'feel like cactus needles.' The [...]
Choosing right shoes: comfort trumps looks
Does fashion trump comfort when it comes to shoe choices? Only a small percentage of the population is born with foot problems. Most often, it’s neglect or a lack of proper foot care — including [...]
Level 3
Level 3 Although the clinic is still closed for face-to-face consultations, we are available for TeleHealth appointments. Take care & stay safe. Kia Kaha 0800 473 776 #stepandstridepodiatry #respod
Fibromyalgia And Foot Pain
The foot is made up of 26 bones connected by joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments – and fascia – and our feet bear all of our weight when we’re standing and walking. Common foot pain [...]