Because of COVID and the social distancing and the restrictions we’ve had, our kids have not had any structured physical activity.

So now we’re asking our kids to go from this relatively sedentary lifestyle where they hadn’t been training, doing some speed agility work, and to be thrown onto the field. Also coaches and trainers are going to expect kids to be at the fitness levels prior to lockdown- that may not be the case.  I think if we’re not ready we’re going to see a lot of injuries happen.

During a school day, kids are active whether it be non-structured play during break times, to organized sports. To expect kids to go from one or two hours a week to five or six hours a week is an abrupt increase that would put them at increase risk for injury.

There may also be increased risk in kids who feel like they have to impress a coach or impress their teammates.

The weather has also changed- from warm, summer weather through March and April, to winter like conditions now, kids are at increased risk for injury because they are not acclimatized.

It is also important to be out there exercising because there have been study after study of both children and adults that show how good exercise is for combating anxiety and depression which have been a huge issue with COVID.

Exercise is important for young people even if they aren’t athletes.

The recommendation is for 1 to 2 hours of exercise a day including one hour of free play and another of parent or teacher guided exercise. For adolescents, at least an hour of moderate to vigorous activity every day is recommended.

If your child is injured, call us today to get them back on track.

0800 473 776