COVID-19 Red Traffic Light Face to Face Patient Information.
At Step + Stride Podiatry we endevour to provide Podiatry services at the highest level to all our patients. Our staff are fully vaccinated and undergo regular surveillance testing.

Please don’t be offended if we ask about your vaccination status. The health and safety of both you, our staff and other patients are paramount.

Prior to Appointment:

1- If any of the following apply to you, we would appreciate it if you could call and re-schedule your appointment as soon as possible

  1. Do you have a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19?
  2. Have been feeling unwell with any flu like symptoms (fever, sore throat,

    cough, sneezing, runny nose, shortness of breath)?

  3. Any changes or loss of sensation or taste or smell?
  4. You are awaiting results of a COVID-19 test, or have been in contact

    with any known or suspected cases in the last 14 days?

  5. Have returned or been in contact with someone who has returned from

    overseas in the last 14 days?

  6. Are you in contact isolation or have been advised you should be?

Please, we ask that you do not attend your appointment if you, or someone close to you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions.

Day of Appointment:

  1. 1-  We are following strict infection control guidelines and require extra time between patients to accomplish this. We must stress the importance of keeping to time for your appointment. Please arrive at your appointed time- not early or late as there is no waiting in reception under these conditions.
  2. 2-  Please sign in using the COVID-19 tracer app.
  3. 3-  There is hand sanitizer available – we ask that you please use this.
  4. 4-  You will be verbally COVID screened
  5. 5-  The waiting room has been cleared of all toys and activities, so you are more than welcome to

    bring something to keep the kids occupied

  6. 6-  We ask that you try and avoid touching any surfaces as far as possible. All surfaces will be

    regularly cleaned and disinfected using appropriate measures.

  7. 7-  Wearing of masks is mandatory.
  8. 8-  Be reassured that a rigorous cleaning and disinfecting protocol is in the clinic both prior to and

    after your appointment.

#stepandstridepodiatry  #respod

0800 473 776

(09) 212 9612