From morning to night, our feet take us everywhere we need to go, yet we rarely seem appreciative. Maybe the truth is that we take our feet for granted because they almost always get the job done without a hassle. But when something is amiss, our feet let us know.
Most problems occur from poor footwear choices, poor hygiene or personal foot care, and lack of exercise.
While some foot woes are painful and others are just plain gross, they all can lead to bigger concerns if not dealt with early on.
Wear Shoes Around the House: Forget about leaving them at the front door; wearing shoes at home is a good habit for foot care. Shoes are important to protect you from the heat and cold and man-made surfaces, like cement and other obstacles that can damage the foot.
Practice Good Hygiene: Each of your feet has more than 250,000 sweat glands and can produce four to six ounces of perspiration a day if you’re active. Combat the stench by washing your feet, including between each toe, with warm, soapy water and a washcloth, and dry them thoroughly.
Wear Shoes that Fit: Common sense doesn’t always prevail, especially when it comes between a woman and her stilettos. Yet we wear them at our own peril, as many foot conditions — bunions, heel pain, and hammertoes are three of the most common — are aggravated by ill-fitting footwear.
Your shoes should offer plenty of support and be wide enough to accommodate the ball of your foot. The back should be cushioned and not dig into your heel or touch your anklebone.
It’s also important to match the shoe to the activity. There are some shoes, such as running shoes, which can be used for walking or aerobics, but if you do a sport three or more times a week, you should purchase a specialty shoe.
Report Problems: Examine your feet daily, looking for minor changes such as redness, irritation, calluses, and toenail fungus. If you have pain in your feet that lasts for two or more days, you should see a Resonance Podiatrist.
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We are currently accepting Telehealth appointments during Level. A Telehealth visit means you can have your appointment over the phone or computer from the comfort of your own home.
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0800 473 776