Got yourself injured?

A sports injury refers to the kinds of injury that occur during sporting activities or exercise. While it is possible to injure any part of the body when playing sports, the term sports injuries is commonly used to refer to injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

At Resonance Step + Stride Podiatry, we are ACC registered, which means if you have sustained any injury through sports, exercise or just walking the dog, you don’t need a referral to see us.

Simply contact us to make an appointment. We work closely with other professionals such as Physiotherapists, Osteopaths and Orthopaedic Surgeons to ensure faster recovery.

If required, we can send you for appropriate imaging, such as x-rays or ultrasound.

We are also able to fit moonboots and ankle braces at the time of the appointment and if you require foot orthoses, these will be covered by ACC (certain conditions apply).

We are a Podiatry New Zealand Sports Accredited clinic and are the only clinic in Auckland to be accredited under the Allied Health Sector Standards.

Call us to today to resolve your pain.

#stepstridepodiatry #pickelboots #respod

0800 473 776

(09) 212 9612