Learning how to walk is a major exciting milestone for a baby. Children usually don’t start walking until they are between 9 and 18 months old.  Although, the average age that a child starts walking falls right around the one year mark . When your little one is getting ready to start walking, you may be wondering if your baby needs socks or shoes on when they start to strut their stuff. And that is a very good question. Some parents spend hundreds of dollars on expensive name brand shoes for their tiny tyke, but are they necessarily needed?

Should Babies Wear Shoes When They Learn How To Walk?

When you are helping your baby learn how to walk for the first time, it would be a good idea to skip the shoes for now. While babies are learning to walk, they learn important sensory information from the soles of their feet when their feet touch the ground.

While socks and shoes do help protect your child from hot and cold, it is beneficial for them to either be completely barefoot or in shoes that have a very soft sole. Going barefoot can also help your baby develop muscle strength in their feet which is needed in life.

When Can Babies Start Wearing Shoes When Walking?


Once your child starts to show you that they are capable of walking around on their own and they appear to have the walking thing down as much as possible, you can start to introduce shoes to your little one.

When getting shoes for your baby, you should have their feet measures properly so that you know you are buying the correct size shoes. You should measure both the length and width. Children’s’ feet grow at a rapid rate. If their shows are too tight, just like with adults, it can cause problems for them when they try to walk. Plus, it can cause issues such as ingrown toenails which are no fun and can ultimately cause your child pain the end.

You want to make sure the shoes that you pick out for your little one are flexible and that they have plenty of room for their toes. The front of the shoe should also be wider than the heal. It might also be a good idea to avoid shoes that have laces, buckles, or straps since it can make it easier for your child’s foot to slip out of their shoes.

So, when it comes down to it, it would be better to leave your baby barefoot when teaching them to walk. Allow your child’s feet to feel the ground. You should also make sure that there are no obstacles in your baby’s way and that anything harmful to them is out of reach. Whatever surface your child is learning to walk on, you want to make sure that the ground is not too hot or too cold for their adorable little feet. Since your baby will not be in shoes, it might also be a good idea to have them practice walking inside to help prevent your baby from stepping on anything that could hurt them.

If you are concerned about your child’s feet, call us today.



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