In response to the COVID-19 virus, Resonance Step + Stride Podiatry with be operating as usual and adhering to the advice of the Ministry of Health.

  • Washing our hands before and after every patient contact
  • Avoiding hand contact with our face
  • Ensuring surfaces are wiped down regularly with a hospital grade disinfectant.
  • Avoiding hand contact with patients, so please do not be offended by this – we are a friendly bunch

If you or a member of your family living at home have the symptoms of influenza or Coronavirus/Covid-19 please do not attend appointments. Stay home and contact your doctor or the dedicated Healthline.


Signs and Symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore Throat
  • Runny nose

Please give us a call and we will happily reschedule your appointment- We appreciate your understanding.


0800 473 776

(09) 212 9612

If you are at all concerned about you or your family’s health, phone Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 number- 0800 358 5453, or contact your GP (phone ahead of your visit so that they can be prepared).